Saturday, September 15, 2007

Left-Wing Hatred For America - Part I

Left-Wing Hatred For America - Part I
It seems that you can hardly pick up a news magazine, paper, or turn on the tv, or surf the internet without examples of leftist hate jumping right out at you.The (Soros-backed) attacks on General David Patraeus' and his report on the surge is a prime example. Their (heavily discounted) ad in the NYT was just about a vile personal attack on a man of duty and honor as it has ever been my displeasure to see.

It saddens me greatly to see a Real American vilified and lied about by the Left, and a fake, fraud, and phony like John Kerry held up as an example of "honorable military service".
Hate-America groups/sites like, the Daily Kos, Code Pink, and of course, the Democratic Underground, spew forth hate, lies, and hypocrisy like a fully charged fire hose, indiscriminately soaking all within their range with their vile rhetoric.
Things like Truth, and Honesty have no place in their view. Any lie told is acceptable if it will further their goals. Facts have no place in their view, if they feel that they will harm their point-of-view.

Of course, in their eyes, removing a murderous tyrant from power was wrong, not because it was, but because they didn't approve of it.

"Let the U.N. deal with Saddam", they said.
"We don't have U.N. approval to deal with Saddam", they said.
"No Blood For Oil", they said.
"Iraq will be a quagmire, just like Vietnam was", they said.

Well, the U.N. didn't deal with Saddam.
We had approval from the U.N. to deal with Saddam.
Our precious blood was spilled for Freedom, not oil.
And Iraq has not yet become a "quagmire", in spite of the best efforts of the left to make it one.

This makes me ask, "who are the real liars here"?

While I sure as hell don't agree with George Bush on a lot of things, like illegal immigration, and securing our borders against those invaders, in the War on Terror, and our military actions vis-a-vis Iraq and Afghanistan, I believe that he is done, and has done what was necessary to secure the blessings of Liberty for those poor nations.

Had we not taken those actions, there is very little doubt that we would have suffered more 9/11-type attacks against us. Unlike the Spaniards, the beasts of terrorism, know that we will not be cowed by their brutal, viscious, and cowardly tactics.

They attacked Spain, and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They attacked England, and in spite of killing a lot of innocent people, they failed. They brutally murdered almost 3,000 innocent people in America, and they failed, miserably, to achieve their goal.

And the Left, in opposing our president's effort to reign terrorism in, offers their not-so-unspoken support of the terrorists.

Who knows? Who cares? Their motivations means nothing. The result is what matters.

When I see shitheads like these, I have an overwhelming desire to commit mayhem and carnage upon them.

Naturally, for some reason beknownst only to them, they support the very people who would gladly saw their heads off with a dull knife. These fools think that if we open our arms to our "Islamic brothers", peace will reign supreme, and we can all sit around the campfire singing "Kum-by-yah", smoking dope, and drinking Mad Dog 20/20, and screwing our brains out.

Shades of Woodstock!

I have never been able to understand why anyone would think like they do, totally blinding themselves to reality. Do they have a death wish? Or are they suicidally delusional? Or are they just incredibly ignorant/stupid?

More on this tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What Do Liberals Believe In?

There was an article, titled "30 Things Conservatives Know" on the New Media Hournal website a few days back that seems to have aroused the ire of some liberals. (I can't imagine why!)

Those same liberals mocked, and knocked those beliefs in several forums that I visit, yet never said what they "know" or believe in. Of course, that's about par for the course.

So, here is a short list of the things that they appear to believe in. Not being a liberal myself, I cannot attest to the accuracy of this list, only that this is what I have observed them being in support of.
In no particular order:
1: Abortion.
Liberals believe that abortion is a perfectly accpetable method of birth control no matter the age of the girl/woman having it. The life of the unborn to the, is little more than a collection of random cells that will one day become a human being. That those cells will be a person some day doesn't seem to matter to them, it's a nuisance and must be killed before it causes the woman any real inconvienence.

2: Personal responsibility:
Liberals don't believe in it. Personal responsibility applies to everyone else but them. They want what they want, when they want it, and no one should ever stand in their way of getting it.

3: Gun control:
No one should ever be allowed to ownm possess, or use a gun for any reason, not even to defend the lives of you, your family, you home, or other innocents against any two-legged predator. To them, safety lies in disarmament. Liberals claim, falsely, that taking our guns away will make us all safer from harm.
It never seems to occur to them that criminals, those who use guns in an criminal manner, don't pay the slightest attent to gun control laws. But those of us who do would be, if they had their way, totally defenseless against those who would harm us, or take by force that which is ours.

4: Religion:
Liberals, so it appears, not only don't have any religious beliefs, but don't want any one else to have them either. Have you ever met a conservative athiest? I don't think that there is any such critter. The ACLU regularly files lawsuits against schools, cities, and towns, that dare to express a religious belief. Let me clarify that. They attack Christianity, and rarely attack Judaism, and never, ever will they attack Islam.
Liberals tend to be apologists for Islam, for what reasons, God alone knows why.

5: Education:
Liberals seem to think that the schools are the place to teach children, as young as 5-years-old, about sexuality. They appear to believe that no parent, unless they too are liberal, is qualified to teach their own child about this subject. These liberal "educators" seem to believe that even the youngest children should know all about the perversion of homosexuality, and accept it as "normal".
Liberals also seem to think that children should never be allowed to play the games that children have played for many generations. Tag is out, so is dodgeball, cops & robbers, cowboys & indians, even hide & seek! No game where a child might even accidently touch another is verboten!
Not to mention the outright lies and distortions about science, history, and a host of other subjects.

Liberals want, and frequently demand, that everyone accpt as normal, the perversity of homosexuality. They not only demand it, they are using legislative and judicial tools to force that acceptance. For a group that claims only about 3% of the population, it's damn difficult to rationalize homosexuality as "normal". The homophiles will even resort to violence to get their way. Sort of queer KKK.

Liberals also seem to believe that we, either as individuals, or as a nation, don't have any right to protect ourselve, or our interests. They seem to feel that we should allow our enemies to do whatever they want to us, and never seek reprisal. They would have us become slaves, rather than a free people.
I have often wondered how a liberal would deal with a home invader, who was threatening his children. Would he allow the intruder to take what he wanted, or harm whomever he wished, without fighting back? Sadly, that might just be the case.

These are just a few of the things that liberals appear to believe. It is what they so often say, that there is little reason not to believe that this is the case.

I would sure like to see a PET scan of a liberal brain thinking over a problem and compare it to a conservative working on the same problem.
It would be very interesting to learn if liberals are laboring under some sort of brain disease.
At least that would explain why they are so socially suicidal.

And it would explain their almost alien thought processes.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Right Stuff

I am a conservative. If you can't deal with that, then it's you that has a problem, not me.
Further, I am a 'no holds barred' conservative.
What does that mean? Simply put, I calls 'em as I sees 'em. I don't pull any punches. I don't care if I offend someone with my opinions, nor do I care a whit about being "politically correct".

Nor do I care in the slightest if I hurt some left-wing losers little feelings. In fact, I hope to use this blog to do just that very thing.

Now, one thing that I will not do, is to censor the posts of any who comment here. At most, I might replace a couple of letters in a swear word with asterisks, but then again, I might not.

In any case, Welcome To The Right Stuff. Lefties, enter at your own risk.